26 November 2013

Changes to the Trend Report platform

Since launch of the IFLA Trend Report in August 2013, we've continued to work on ways to make the Trend Report platform most useful for the library and information services community. Since launch of the IFLA Trend Report in Singapore, more than 2,000 people have downloaded the Insights Document and presentations are already taking place in different countries around the world. The challenge now is to capture all of these great conversations taking place on the web platform, which is why we've created this News page.

The News page will be used to share outcomes from discussions that have taken place, new information developments and to highlight upcoming events. You can load videos and photos from your discussions; share next steps; and share information trend stories relevant to your region.

To be successful, the News page needs your input. If you're thinking of hosting a Trend Report related discussion in your country, send us an email through the contact form and let us know it's taking place! Provide the event title, a short description and a website link so we can add it to our Events calendar. If you have a past event that isn't captured in the calendar, please let us know. Following your discussion, share some of the key issues and outcomes with the rest of the international library community through this News page.

In response to overwhelming demand for access to the underlying information resources behind the Insights Document, we've also made the information resources web pages openly available - no account log in required. There's a wealth of information there to digest and ultilise, and we encourage you to share the pages with colleagues and associates who may have been previously frustrated by the log in mechanism. If there's further feedback you have on the existing Trend Report platform, and ways we can improve it, please let us know.